Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Year 1 Vocabulary Checklist Based On DSKP KSSR Semakan (wordlist template included)

Based on DSKP Word List, I made a google sheet form with checkboxes, total correct answers and conditional formatting.

The cell will turn to red, yellow or green based on their total correct answers.

The empty template included, as you can write your own words, if you plan to make your own word lists.

If you need to change the conditional formatting rules, just click at the cell, hit format, look for conditional formatting. Edit the rules there.

This sheet is best used via smartphone. Download the Google Sheets apps from the playstore.

You can choose selected pupils to be tested, especially performance level (PL) 1-4. You can also call one by one or in groups to read the words. Another suggested activity is, Tarsia.

Below is the link


Copy and paste the link in the chrome search, choose make a copy. It will be saved in your active drive.

go go.. use them at your own risk... hehehe, just kidding.

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