Saturday, December 24, 2022




Glad, I'm able to complete the sets for Ujian Akhir Sesi Akademik (UASA) practices for English year 6. 

Last week, I shared the UASA sets for English year 4. You can check here -->

The same as year 4, I compile the sets based on Parts of questions. There are 7 parts in UASA, which in total carry 50 marks. Look at examples below.

Teachers, parents,

I'm sharing these sets for free. As I'm making these for my daughter, why not I share with other parents out there.. kan? ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

In return, I hope you can share this blog post to others so that the resources can be useful to them too. InshaAllah, your students/kids will excel in everything they venture. 

Download here, fill in the form, then hit submit. A link will be given then. Hit it, then download the pdf from there. 

Download form

Anything, drop comments. 

Thank you!

Monday, December 19, 2022

Ujian Akhir Sesi Akademik - English Language Year 4

 Assalammualaikum, hello everyone!

Just want to share the UJIAN AKHIR SESI AKADEMIK for English year 4. I don't teach Year 4 this year, but my son is a year 4 student. I make efforts to help him familiar with the format.

Here,  I share these sets of questions in Part 1-7 to you all. I didn't compile them in exam papers. (I'm afraid he will be frightened๐Ÿ˜ฉ)

 If you are teachers, you want to test them to your students, then, use the cut and paste technique to compile them. 

If you are the parents, introduce part by part, from my opinion, is the best approach at the moment.

There are 6 sets of part 5, there are 4 sets of part 6.... Sorry, I can't recall all๐Ÿคญ The parts I enjoy, I will make more. A bit challenging to think of the questions, I make less.   

Here a few examples, screenshot. I don't screenshot all. All are based on the textbook Get Smart Plus 4.

Are you interested? Don't worry, all are free. No payment needed. Just send doa for my children, Fateh year 4 and Jannah year 6. Hopefully, they excel in everything they do, dunia and akhirat. 

How to download? You need to fill in the form below, then a link will be given after you hit submit. 

Click the link, choose drive. Make sure you know the email. The file will stay in your shared drive. (in the email drive you had opened during download) 
Once done, download all and print them out.  You will see these sets. 

Finally, please, don't use my works, Ujian Akhir sesi akademik English for selling purposes. I share for FREE. Remember, God is watching everything. 

Share my blog, ok?๐Ÿ˜ƒ

Till we meet again in other post.. (maybe next year๐Ÿ˜)

Update: New post on 25/12/22. UASA YEAR 6. 


*ps- any errors let me know, ok! Comment below.

Monday, August 8, 2022

2022/2023- templat pertengahan sesi akademik (google sheet)


Salam Sejahtera. Salam kemerdekaan. (Bulan Ogos๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜€๐Ÿ˜€)

Selesai sudah edit templat pelaporan terkini dari laman web BPK. Tahun ni semua saya muatturun baru. 

Harapan agar akhir tahun nanti ada sistem untuk SU PBD kendalikan. Bukan apa, analisis data tu la yang jenuh sikit. Sat orang tu minta, sat orang ni minta. sat kajian minta. uih... berapa kali bagi daaa. hihihi.. 


Di sini laman web BPK, sekiranya cikgu mahu muatturun templat excel.

Templat BPK ini saya edit kepada Google Sheet bagi memudahkan pengumpulan data di Google Classroom. Ada perbezaan sedikit dari templat BPK.

1. Templat ini dalam format Google Sheet. (online)

2. Templat ini membaca data dengan cara memasukkan no IC di ruangan no IC. Ini bertujuan untuk membuat pelaporan online di Google Sites Sistem Semakan PBD. Tidak seperti templat asal BPK yang boleh pilih nama murid dan keluar keputusan.

3. Templat ini juga boleh memaparkan semakan laporan matapelajaran dengan cara membaca no IC murid yang ditaipkan pada laporan murid. Hanya masukkan nombor subjek sahaja. Juga bertujuan untuk pelaporan online. 

4. Pada laporan marapelajaran, ruangan TP keseluruhan dan penerangannya saya hide, kerana ada kesalahan untuk subjek Bahasa Arab, Sejarah dan Bahasa Cina. 

Selain 1234 di atas, saya tidak usik apa-apa bahagian pun dari templat ini. Original seperti templat BPK  yang saya muat turun pada 6 Ogos 2022.

Sekiranya cikgu ingin muatturun, copy link tersebut, kemudian paste pada chrome omnibox (bahagian taip link di chrome), Satu pop up make a copy akan muncul. Kemudian tekan make a copy. Ia akan berada dalam google akaun yang tengah aktif. Pastikan tahu emel mana yang digunakan. 

Berikut link tersebut:

Tahun 6 terbaru- KSSR SEMAKAN 2017 sk dan sjk 2022

Tahun 5 SK dan SJK ver 4

Tahun 4 templat SK 2020 b

Tahun 3 templat translation v3

Tahun 2 translation v3 2020

Tahun 1 translation v3 2020

Sekiranya cikgu dapati ada kesalahan di mana-mana mohon komen di sini. Cikgu juga boleh sertai Telegram Group saya, Rekod Perkembangan Murid. 

Harap dapat membantu semua.


Sunday, May 8, 2022

Phonics Awareness

 Assalammualaikum. Hi.. hello.. 

First post in 2022๐Ÿ˜ƒ I'm still here.. still the same, teaching English year 1. hihi๐Ÿ˜†

I edited notes and pages from Linus Book 1, as a reading module for my students. This module is focusing on 3.1.1, 3.1.2, 3.1.3, 3.1.4

 Examples as below. There are 25 pages phonics lesson for English year 1.

Edited from Linus Book 1. 

Learning standard 3.1.1, and 3.1.2

Students collect stickers from the teacher.

If you are interested, please fill in the form and a link will be given after you hit submit.

Thank you. hope it helps your students in reading. 


Madam Syuhada✌️