Saturday, June 20, 2020


Assalammualaikum, salam sejahtera. Semoga semua sihat hendaknya.

Sebagai memenuhi tuntutan tugas SU PBD yang perlu membina site sistem semakan PBD (bukan paksaan, atas amalan terbaik sekolah), saya terpanggil berkongsi satu lagi templat untuk semakan emel digital learning.

Kenapa lah SU PBD pula sibuk buat templat penyelaras digital learning ni? hehehee..

Bukanlah menyibuk tugasan orang lain pun sebenarnya.

Saya membangunkan site semakan PBD di mana murid perlu sign in emel moe mereka. Justeru, apabila site semakan dibuat seperti itu, pastinya mereka akan bertanya, email saya apa ya? password apa ya? Pakat semua tanya pengsanlah cikgu ni. Maka, inisiatif ini diharap dapatlah membantu mereka semak emel masing-masing di site PBD. Letak siap-siap di situ, harapnya tiada pertanyaaan tentang emel masing-masing ya.

Bagaimana sistem semakan ini berfungsi? Ibu bapa/penjaga akan menaip no ic/mykid murid di google site, dan data emel dan password pun akan keluar. (Saya set dengan password)


Silakan muatturun.

Jawab form di bawah. Tekan submit untuk mendapatkan link google sheets templat semakan.

Selepas cikgu submit, baru ada link diberikan. Copy link dan paste kat omnibox chrome. Pilih make a copy.

Dokumen yang baru cikgu muatturun tadi adalah dokumen dalam bentuk Google Sheet. Bagi membina sistem semakan, cikgu boleh memuatnaik templat ini di Google Site secara embed di site. Akan tetapi, cikgu perlukan ia dalam bentuk Excel. Saya tidak mahir menggunakan Excel, sebab itu saya buatkan templat ini dalam Google Sheets. Entah kenapa, saya rasa Sheets lagi mudah berbanding Excel.

Oleh itu, langkah seterusnya adalah:

1. Muatturun templat sistem semakan kepada Excel

Tekan file, downoad, excel.

2. Buka file Excel tadi dan semak templat. Copy dan paste data seperti no ic murid dan nama murid ke dalam ruangan yang disediakan. 

3. Simpan dalam dokumen dengan nama yang mudah diingati.

4. Sekarang, bukan onedrive. ( Buat akaun jika belum ada. 

5. Apabila dah ada akaun onedrive, upload dokumen ini di sana. Kini, dokumen tersebut telah berada dalam onedrive. 

6. Cuba dulu, dengan menaip no IC murid beberapa orang sebelum embed di Google Site.Jangan lupa hide tab yang ada no ic tadi tu. Kalau tak hide, pelajar akan dapat lihat semua data.

7.Sekarang, tekan File pada excel onedrive, tekan pula SHARE.

8. Pilih embed. GENERATE. Kemudian, akan keluar paparan tentang embed tadi. Tanda ✔️ pada kotak yg hide row and column, let people write in the cell, dan start with this cell(select sel no ic tu) untick download link, sebab nanti bimbang waris dapat download file excel dan boleh unhide data.

9. Copy embed code tadi.

10. Sekarang, buka site ini

11. WAJIB tekan titik tiga pada site, ambil Duplicate Site. Ya wajib. Sebab kalau cikgu tak duplicate, cikgu akan edit di templat asal. dan masalah besarnya ialah, orang lain akan ambil templat cikgu dan data sekolah cikgu. Kena betul-betul fahamkan bahagian duplicate site ni. So, pilih duplicate site.

12. Pilih folder di drive mana nak simpan duplicate site ini. Atau boleh buka emel, akan ada dalam emel juga.

13. Sekarang, terpulanglah cikgu nak edit site bagaimana. Nak mekap warna pink semua ke, warna pelangi ke, ha, it's yours. Jangan ambil templat asal saya punya sudah..hehehehe

14. Embed code yang kita copy dari Excel tadi di ruangan yang saya sediakan ya.

15. Dah siap, share dengan waris. Tapi kena PUBLISH site dulu.

16. Copy link dan edarkan kepada waris/ibubapa.

Buat permulaan, serah site kepada waris-waris guru dahulu sebelum edarkan kepada orang lain ya. 

Tahniah, kerana telah berjaya membuat sistem semakan emel digital learning.

Kalau belum buat pun tidak mengapa, ucap siap-siap. 😄

Peringatan mesra, cikgu perlu memastikan password yang ditulis pada templat semakan, adalah password yang terkini. Jika cikgu rasa keliru, senang cerita, hide sahaja row password itu.

Berikut pautan untuk melihat tutorial secara dalam video.


Friday, June 12, 2020


Assalammualaikum dan salam sejahtera kepada semua yang membaca post ini.

Tanpa membuang masa, saya kongsikan templat PBD daripada BPK tetapi telah diubahsuai sedikit formulanya supaya boleh membaca data setelah pengguna menaip no mykid murid. Khas untuk sekolah rendah sahaja, memandangkan saya guru sekolah rendah.

Kita mulakan dengan templat PBD KSSR yang masih ada dua tahun iaitu murid tahun 5 dan tahun 6. BPK menyediakan templat berasingan untuk setiap subjek. Guru subjek masing-masing akan memuatturun templat daripada BPK dan mengisi subjek sendiri. (tiada gabungan)

Bagi saya, tiada masalah, jika guru mengisi sendiri-sendiri pun. Selepas mereka selesai mengisi SU PBD boleh mengumpulkan dengan cara serahan di emel. Jika belum ada emel pbs sekolah, boleh wujudkan sekarang. 

BPK ada menyediakan templat gabungan yang dinamakan PST6. (tiada TP kemahiran bagi setiap subjek) Templat ini menggabungkan tahap penguasaan keseluruhan murid bagi semua subjek. Ia akan terus menjanakan graf pelaporan bagi subjek, dan slip pelaporan.

Adalah lebih penting memastikan guru dapat mengisi PST6 ini di atas talian dan data boleh dibaca secara semakan no IC.

Oleh itu, templat PST6 inilah yang paling utama SU PBD wajib ada. Sekiranya kalian menggunakan semakan no mykid seperti di sekolah saya, templat ini maha penting. (sebab dah diedit) Saya baru sahaja edit hari ini. Kebetulan ada seseorang komen pada post bertanyakan templat tahap 2, justeru, saya menyegerakan perkongsian ini.

Templat ini membaca data TP secara semakan no ic ya. Oleh itu, cikgu boleh embed di Google site ke website ke blog ke dengan syarat kena baca langkah di bawah sekali.. Baca jangan tak baca.

Oh ya, dalam templat ni, saya sediakan ruangan untuk keputusan PBD keseluruhan murid setelah guru-guru bermesyuarat pertimbangan profesional. 

Saya menggunakan ruangan matapelajaran seperti Bahasa Cina dan Bahasa Tamil, maka saya tidak perlu lagi buat formula.

Saya tak pasti di daerah cikgu bagaimana, tetapi di tempat saya bertugas, kami diarahkan berbincang satu tahap penguasaan yang dibawa oleh murid. Tahun lepas saya sediakan slip, tahun ini saya tak sempat nak letakkan slip di templat BPK, oleh itu saya sediakan ruangan untuk TP tersebut. Slip itu saya cetak dan serahkan terus kepada murid tahun lepas. Kalau berkenan tengok di sebelah kanan blog ini.

Ok ini link templat PST6 yang sudah diubahsuai. Copy dan paste pada chrome tab (omnibox), Pilih make a copy.

Di bawah ini link templat PST6 tanpa Bahasa Cina SK.

Ini pula link tanpa Bahasa Tamil SK

templat ini terpakai juga bagi Tahun 5 KSSR. Sebab BPK tidak sedia untuk tahun 5. SU PBD pakat-pakat guna saja yang ini. 

Selepas cikgu dapat make a copy file ini, ikuti langkah-langkah ini pula.

1. Berkongsi templat bersama guru subjek

Sudah tentu perlu kongsikan melainkan SU PBD rajin nak copy dan paste keputusan TP setiap subjek. Cara nak kongsikan, tekan sahaja butang Share, berwarna hijau di penjuru atas sebelah kanan. Add people, letakkan alamat email. Saya kongsikan dengan email digital learning.

2. Tetapkan tarikh pengisian dan maklumkan.

Tetapkan sekian tarikh untuk guru subjek isi TP keseluruhan subjek mereka supaya tidak ditunda-tunda.

3. Off sharing link (mereka hanya boleh view sahaja) setelah tempoh masa yang diberi tamat.
Kita tak mahu ada yang ubah TP di minit-minit terakhir sedangkan kita dah buat langkah keempat.

4. Download sebagai Excel

Klik file, download sebagai excel. Ini kerana untuk embed di site, kita perlu guna excel online. Google Sheet tidak boleh berfungsi dengan baik setelah embed.

5. Upload di

Langkah ini perlu kerana kita nak tukar excel tadi kepada Excel Online. Boleh teruskan langkah 6 di onedrive.

6. Boleh hide tab yang kita tak mahu waris/ibubapa lihat

 iaitu, Laporan Murid dan lain-lain. Kita cuma perlu waris lihat Pelaporan PST6. 

7. Embed di google site/web/blog

Nak embed, kita perlu pilih share, dan kemudian cari embed. Ikut saja langkah yang diminta, pilih saiz yang betul.  Copy code embed tu dan paste di google site.

8. Siap! Boleh minum kopi.hihihi..

Saya dah pernah terangkan dengan terperinci bab ini dalam post di bawah. Penerangan di atas ini langkah yang telah dipendekkan dan tiada gambar. Jika nak lebih detail, baca di link 

Jika ada kesilapan di mana-mana, boleh maklumkan pada comment ya. Jangan percaya saya 100%, saya masih seorang amatur dalam Google Sheet. Saya main hentam saja edit sana sini, copy paste sana sini. 

Update: 13 Jun 2020, 5 petang
- TP keseluruhan yang dibawa oleh seorang murid dibuat akhir tahun sahaja. Maklumat ini baru sampai setelah saya up post ni, dan dah siap edit. Hehehe.. takpa2, boleh sembunyikan row tersebut. Caranya, buka bahagian pelaporan PST6, cari row TP KESELURUHAN, klik kanan, hide row. Dah hilang😄 Akhir tahun baru kita bagi dia muncul semula ya. 

Sekian, harap berguna dan digunakan. 

Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Home Based Learning Worksheets for English Year 1

Assalammualaikum, hi to all readers. 

Here, I'm sharing Home Based Learning Worksheets for English Year 1. 

I compile all the worksheets from topic At School to Lunchtime. These are worksheets based on Scheme of Work. I taught Year 1 since 2017, therefore, I had plenty of them.

Same as in the scheme of work.

I think map.

There are more worksheets in this module.

We know that we have to assess pupils, therefore, I include the performance standard too. If you notice, I also encourage parents to tick their reflection. If pupils are guided by their parents, the teacher knows exactly the performance level. Please refer to DSKP for the descriptions of the skills. 

Bonus in this module, I include QR Codes for the t&l videos. Some videos from my youtube channel, some are from other resources. You can pay your thankfulness by hitting the like and subscribe button on the youtube videos. 

As usual, all my modules will be able to download after you submit the Google Form.  You will be given a download link after you hit Submit button. 

Here's the Google Form.

Not to mention, I have a telegram group for Year 1 English Materials. It's actually a group for me to save all the materials. But then, I realize, if others can benefit from it, why wouldn't I share?  

 If you are interested, just tap at the link  (Supermind Textbook, Kssr Semakan 2017)

You too can share materials. Sharing is caring. Yeah, all the materials are free. 

*Cute images from Bitmoji.

Saturday, June 6, 2020

whats App as an engaging and effective tool for distance learning Part 2

Assalammualaikum. Hi to all readers.

Well, I did PART 1 of this post, but I took weeks to really start writing for Part 2. My apologies.

In this post, I'm sharing the effective ways of managing the pictures and docs send by students to us.

Several features in WhatsApp could be the helping hands. Remember, you need to update to the latest version of Whatsapp.

So, I should start at number 14. 

14. Identify who has read the message

We all aware that when someone reads the message, there will be two blue ticks near the message.
Nonetheless, did we notice that sometimes the ticks remain grey? (grey means delivered, whether they read or not is unknown)

We can simply edit whether to let someone knows we read the message or not. But, if you turn it off, you can't see other's reading message too. Fair isn't it?

So, how do we check who is already reading the important message in the group?
Simply look at the pictures below. The symbol i is really important. It shows the activity. The same symbol used in Google Drive. Select the message as in the picture below, you will notice an i symbol there.

I 've given a message about vaccination appointment to my class. Therefore, it's really crucial to make sure the information delivered to all. From the i details, I notice that there are two people who haven't read the message. I should privately message or call them to inform.

The same things we can apply for teaching on WhatsApp. The teacher hits the i icon to figure out whether the parents had received the message or not. Kindly private message them to deliver the message. Thumbs up to WhatsApp for this feature. 

15. Need to highlight the important message in an active group?

Star the message. Award star means it's crucial.

Select the message. Find star. 

I notice that people always have to delete the conversation just to read the starred message. 

Did you know that there is a starred message feature for you to pick up?

. All the starred messages will be there. You don't necessarily clear all the conversation to find the starred message.

16. Too many pictures sent by students? Oh, my phone needs extra storage.

You don't have to buy new SD cards just to export all the docs and pictures of assessments.

And you don't have to think too much. WhatsApp knows your difficulty.

What do you have to do?

Export the chat to cloud drive. 

Hit the three dots in the conversation that you want to export.

Choose export chat. Here you can choose to export the chat to somewhere else. I choose google drive.

Tarraaa.. Let them move to Google Drive then, I can clear my phone storage. After transferring all the chat, leave them rest and peace in the Google Drive. Brilliant. 

17. Easy access on home screen? Sure.

For those who want to access the WhatsApp group on their phone home screen, sure you can. Same as export chat. Hit the three dots, look for Add shortcut. Hit Add. Here you go. 

18. Pin important group at the top.

Currently, we can only pin up to three groups. Pinned them so that they will be at the top. 
Here's the step:

Make sure you see all the groups. Find the three dots.
Hit the three dots. Choose the pin icon. 

19. Need to send the same message privately to multiple people?

Yes you can. Broadcast feature.

Again, make sure you see all the groups.  Hit the three dots,  Choose new broadcast.  Then choose the contacts that you want to converse. At least two contacts are needed. Then a new broadcast group is created.

The contacts will receive it privately, not in a group. Therefore, they don't meet each other. You can use this feature to converse with certain parents based on their child's performance level. 

However, firstly, you have to save the contacts number.

20. Create a new group to prepare your instruction. Only you in that group.

I did this. I named it MCO learning. hehehehe.. 

First, create a new group.

 Hit the three dots, look for a new group. you need to add another person. In this case, I add my husband, then when the group is there, I remove him. So, only me in the group. 

 I prepare the instruction and send here first. Here is also my temporary lesson plan. The videos and voice notes are forwarded here so that I can easily check on their progress. 

21. You don't want to left group, at the same time, it's inactive. Let's archived.

It is important to archive all unnecessary groups. However, you are afraid that it might be important in other years? (usually, it is not beneficial at all) So, close your eyes, archived them.

Hit the three dots again, choose archived. 

22. Mute temporarily function

When it's time for other subjects, you might want to mute Whatsapp so that it will not disturb you doing other things. 

Hit the three dots in the group, select mute notifications. Then, select the timing, 8 hours, one week or one year. Usually, I choose for 8 hours. 

23. Upload your status about the lesson 

This is only a suggestion. I rarely use status in whats App. Might be useful if the parents miss the work given, it will appear in status if you upload there.

24. Switch to WhatsApp Business

I did this. I had this idea when the seller that I contacted, forwarded the menu with pictures and price. Then, I realized that I can prepare the notes and easily forward to each group. In WhatsApp Business it is called catalogue. I prepared the reading materials there, so parents can access the catalogues at my user name. 

To have WhatsApp Business, you have to download from playstore. Follow the instruction. To be saved, use only WhatsApp Business. You can remove the other Whatsapp. The same conversations and groups will be there although you had switched to WhatsApp Business. 

These are the newly added features that you get when you switch to WhatsApp Business.

A. Able to label the message.- You can label the students' works.

First, select the message. 

Second, hit the three dots.

Third, hit label.

Forth, add a new label, stated as Performance Level. (PL) or Tahap Penguasaan (TP)

Tick, and hit save.

You can search the labels, in three dots where you can see pin and broadcast. 

B. Able to send catalogue -  When parents asked you the tasks for today, you can easily forward the catalogue. You have to prepare lessons in picture images and save in catalogue. 

C. Away message and greeting message- I did not use this feature. You can use it if it's important for you.

D. quick reply - Again, I did not activate this feature.

Please bear in mind, to use all the features you have to update your WhatsApp. WhatsApp may update a few more items from time to time. At the moment, (5 June 2020) these are possible on Whatsapp.

Above all, I used Whatsapp Business. All the ways that I have discussed here, are also available on Whatsapp Business. I did not experience any difficulty yet, as far as I'm using it in a month.

Any other sharing from the readers?

Comments accepted.

Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Camouflage -Lesson for Year 1

Hi all.

Yesterday, I shared about Zepeto. If you miss this post, sure you can access it on your right side,  post entitled, TUTORIAL. 

Without any delay, I have created a learning video for my kids, and out of all subtopics, I choose CAMOUFLAGE.

Camouflage is my favourite. Every year when I teach this lesson, I will bring them to ENGLISH ROOM to watch the online video. We use that one hour just for QA about the video.

Science is always my passion, I think that is the reason behind my excitement when coming to camouflage.

Those time in class, we will draw and colour animals so that they camouflage to the specific area that has been given in the group. They will paste the animals on the stone, in leaves, on logs and more. I don't restrain their creativity.

It is an outdoor activity, most pupils love so much. They can move freely without restriction.

Oh, I miss that moment. 😄

Let's go back to the core topic. Actually,  I'm sharing the youtube video that I make for this topic. Thanks to  Zepeto and filmorago. Both had helped me in creating the video. I use the smartphone 100%. Amazing, nowadays everything is in this rectangle thing.🤭

For your information, I did speak Malay too at a certain time. Here's  the video:

Look in the description to obtain the online quizzes for this lesson. There are two quizzes, Google Form and live worksheets. 

Should you notice any mistake, do inform me, so that I can amend them. Thank you for your support.