Sunday, January 10, 2021

E lesson plan template for English Year 5 KSSR SEMAKAN

 Assalammualaikum, and good day everyone.

Welcome to Madam Syuhada's blog.

Once BPK uploaded the documentation for English year 5 I was thrilled to browse through the documentation. Not because I'm going to teach Year 5, but, it's more about knowing the syllabus is really important as my daughter, the first child in the family will be year 5 this 2021.

Well, it takes effort to read all of it, but it worth it. From this I notice that pupils in year 5 must be able to write independently. While in year 4, they are able to do guided writing. This is very crucial to know your pupils are on the right track or not achieving the right track. Then, intervention is needed.

Ok. fill in the form first, then a link will be given for you to download the e lesson plan for English Year 5. 

E lesson Plan English Year 5 form

This is how the lesson plan looks like.

I use Google Sheets. from 2019, google sheets had helped me to ensure smoothness in completing the lesson plan. I can easily print them out using wireless printer, and do amendment anywhere at any time. It took me only 5-10 minutes to plan the lesson. As this e lesson plan had dropdown menu for the pre lesson and the post lesson, so, it helped a lot. 

Here's the documentation for English year 5 from BPK.

Scheme of work for English Year 5 SK

Document for penjajaran 2.0 can be downloaded from this link

Let's watch a video of how to edit the lesson plan.