Saturday, June 1, 2019


Assalammualaikum. Good morning/good afternoon/good evening.

I'm sharing the easy e transit form for English Year 6.

Congratulations teachers! I really respect the Year 6 teachers. You have done great efforts.

PBD and examinations are two different terms. Although, examinations is a part of PBD, to be able to access two different things are challenging. I feel that. Those days where I had to do PBD and at the same time taught English year 5.

One thing to highlight here, the transit form can be in many ways. You can just jot down in your notebook or to be systematic, make an excel form and tick. Or, print out the template pelaporan, write the performance level there.

The easy e transit form is using the Google Form. while the form can be connected to the google sheets. Here's where your raw data are written. You can insert a QR Code of your google sheets in your record book. Easy for you to refer.

So teachers, if you want the transit form to be access easily through mobile phone, you can proceed the following steps to download the google sheets. Make sure you install the apps Sheets in your mobile phone.

Here's the link

Copy the link, paste in the chrome tab. Press Enter, Choose make a copy.

Read the tutorial in the Google Sheets.

You have to do a few things such as copy and paste your pupils name in the Google Form. After all the copy pasting finished, it's easier for you to access your e transit form and easier for u to award the PL to the pupils.

Refer to the Google Sheets ya. watch the video below. Part 1

video part 2

All right.

Explore to be expert.


1 comment:

  1. Cikgu, mohon bantu..Maksudnya untuk setiap skills tu ada different GF. Bila kita key in GF, then baru lnk ke spreadsheets kan. So link GF tu nak dapat di mana ya? And boleh guna untuk semua ker link tu?
